Columns & Opinions

Editor's Log

Editor's Log

Editor’s Log, Polkadate December 2024. This is a conclusion of a presentation the George Koudelka gave at a TCHCC event in 2014. As a drummer approaching seventy years of performing in the world of Texas polka, George has experienced all the major bands of Texas and recently participated in the Baca Tribute band in the Czech Center.

Editor's Log

Editor's Log

Polkadate November 2024. Ten years ago I asked George Koudelka, who will be celebrating performing on drums for seventy years in the next several months, to write a history of polka. He presented this, part one, at the TCHCC heritage festival.

Publisher's Note

Publisher's Note

Congratulations to the new Texas Polka News on your 10th year of publication and to TexasPolkaNews. com. You are to be commended for your continued growth in keeping the polka dancers and others informed of current events.

Editor's Log

Editor's Log

Editor’s Log Polkadate September 2024. Ten years ago, my life changed, the long dream of being a journalist and being involved in the music business combined and became a reality.
