Editor's Log
Editor’s Log, Polkadate November 1, 2020. Emerging from solitary confinement.
The sun is peaking through the still hazy sky that has covered Central Texas since March of this year. It seems like years, but it has been seven months since the music scene went into a coma. While the cause is still present in the world, folks are feeling the need to continue on with their lives. As humans adapt to the heat in the summer and the cold in the winter, they are adapting to the health issues much the same as they did during previous hazardous incidences.
The shutdown in March was catastrophic to the whole worldwide music industry. Yes, The Eagles, canceled their high-dollar tour, but they can hunker down and Take It Easy very comfortably. However, to put on a show of that magnitude supports thousands of people: stage crew, promotion staff, T-shirt vendors, the folks selling eightdollar beers, parking lot attendants, and the ticket scalpers. Those people weren’t able to support families, attend college and make car payments. They were counting on the small pittance that corporations who run the events and event centers pay them.
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