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Editor's Log

Editor's Log

Editor’s Log Polkadate May, 2021. It’s been a year since the shuffling of feet on a dance floor has been heard. The sound was stifled completely, returned briefly, the silenced again, however the sound, like the slow waltz, At the Spring, is returning hopefully to resume to a full polka gallop.

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Flashback Memories with Vrazels Polka Band

In the early 2000's, life was a lot different than it is now. For starters, a person used to be able to pump the gasoline into their car first, then go inside and pay for it. Unfortunately, a few bad apples spoiled that privilege for the rest of the bunch. There were also no fancy touch screen phones where a person could have Internet access in the palm of their hands. Cell phones were mostly for calling and texting only at that time; imagine that!
